Pollen is essential to honey bee survival; without enough, hives quickly go backwards. If you’re keeping bees, pollen should always be available – the main food source and protein provider for your bees! Without enough pollen available to them, your hive could quickly collapse.
After summer droughts, freezes, and winter, many colonies deplete their stored protein reserves and require help. You can help them back on track by offering pollen substitute.
BEE Pro is an email and landing page design tool with an intuitive user interface, complete content management system and collaborative support features. Reusability of templates and custom fonts help users bring coherence to their content while communicating more effectively with teams and stakeholders.
BEE pro is an invaluable tool that allows users to easily design mobile-responsive emails without the need for programming knowledge or extensive time investment. With its drag-and-drop feature, creating professional-looking emails takes just minutes while its robust email templates continually receive new features and functionality updates.
Honey bees need the right mix of lipids, minerals and B-complex vitamins in their larval food production to flourish and live. This high-protein pollen substitute provides all that they need without natural pollens or animal byproducts being present as potential contaminants. It can be fed either dry in a feeder box in your yard, or formed into patties for mixing with syrup before feeding directly to their hive. Its use is non-hazardous for all involved.
FD200 Pollen Substitute offers your bees an easy, convenient, and safe method of feeding their needs throughout the season. Perfect for novice beekeepers as it is safe and cost-effective!
FD200 uses an app to control its functions, making its operation much simpler. While its appearance might seem odd at first glance, the functionality makes up for any shortcomings: battery voltage, discharge current, time elapsed etc are displayed clearly in an easy to navigate manner.
The FD200 is a comprehensive solution that supports various TeleCheck processing products, enabling you to settle payments using any preferred payment type; featuring color touch screen display; fast downloads via IP with dial-up backup as a fail-safe; dual CPUs; and two printers – one for void checks and receipts. Compatible with most operating systems and designed to save both time and frustration during upgrade process of PC drivers, the FD200 saves users both time and frustration during driver upgrades.
Priddy Acres Sweet B Fondant
Priddy Acres Sweet B Fondant is an all-natural pollen substitute designed to assist hives during winter. Made of cane sugar, this all-natural pollen substitute comes ready-made in either lemongrass or peppermint flavors for convenient use.
FD213 Ultra Bee Dry Feed is a powder that can be fed both inside and outside of a hive to support increased brood production and aid hives in general. Free from animal byproducts, this feed contains 65% crude protein. You can mix it with water to form pollen patties or place in feeders so bees can collect it directly.
Priddy Acres specializes in patio lawn and garden products and services, boasting products widely recognized for their quality and commitment to customer satisfaction. As one of the largest manufacturers in the U.S., they provide an extensive selection of patio lawn and garden products.