Leopard geckos are popular beginner lizards due to their small size and simple care requirements, reaching sexual maturity at an earlier age than other species like chameleons, skinks and tegus.
PetSmart offers a selection of reptiles, such as leopard geckos. However, before making your purchase there, it may be beneficial to attend a reptile expo or find reliable local reptile shops instead.
Crested Gecko Food
Crested geckos (Correlophus ciliatus) have long been popular home pets. These arboreal, nocturnal creatures must be fed daily before going back into their terrarium to prevent spoilage and the spread of bacteria.
Crested Geckos are omnivorous animals and should receive a balanced diet consisting of fruit, vegetables, insects and meal replacement diets mixed with water to create paste form. Crested Geckos should receive these diets once or twice every week or so to provide their bodies with essential vitamins, minerals, supplements and essential oils necessary for survival.
Pangea Diet and Repashy are among the most widely consumed diets for crested geckos, offering powdered alternatives to fruits and vegetables that may be difficult for them to digest, with tasty flavors and ingredients they love. Other common options for diet include crickets, mealworms and waxworms – unlike mealworms which may cause impaction issues.
Gargoyle Gecko Food
Gargoyle geckos are omnivorous animals, feeding on both plant and animal matter in the wild. When kept captive, however, they can be fed commercial fruit and vegetable diets like Repashy Complete Gecko Diets or Pangea Complete Gecko Diet. In addition, feeder insects such as dubia roaches, black soldier fly larvae mealworms waxworms crickets locusts can all be offered – as long as these lean feeders are dusted with high quality calcium powder and vitamin D3 for best results – as fatty feeders could contribute to obesity issues in captivity.
Homemade smoothie mixes combining fresh fruits, vegetables and some pre-mixed powdered foods may also be offered in disposable feeder cups on the ledges of their enclosures. Regular misting may help ensure proper hydration; however, offering your pet access to clean, fresh water bowls should always ensure proper hydration.
Crested Gecko Pellets
Crested geckos require a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and protein. Prepackaged crested gecko food can be found at many pet stores and should be added directly into its enclosure as directed. Feeder insects such as crickets can also provide essential proteins and other essential nutrients – one popular choice being crickets as they’re cheap and readily available both offline and online; other potential choices could include dubia roaches or mealworms which should all be gut-loaded with powder that contains vitamins, minerals, and nutrients prior to feeding them onto gecko.
Other foods to offer your gecko include soft fruits (such as berries, papaya and figs) as well as vegetables like zucchini squash kale and carrots that must be carefully trimmed to remove seeds which could cause choking or other health problems. In addition, you should provide a daily water dish refresh as well as misting its walls and furniture with misted water to hydrate it further.
Gargoyle Gecko Pellets
Gargoyle geckos make great pets and are easy to care for, living up to two decades in captivity with proper conditions resembling their natural habitat. Before purchasing one, do your research thoroughly and consult a reptile expert; by providing them with an environment similar to what they experienced as wild creatures will ensure a happier and healthier experience for both of you!
Your gecko needs more than a powder crested gecko food mix when feeding it; add fruits and vegetables that contain high concentrations of oxalate – such as avocado, starfruit and rhubarb; these may prove fatal for their wellbeing.
Instead, give fruits and vegetables rich in calcium like figs, dates, mangoes and apricots; you could also give them dried fruit as treats. Furthermore, you could supplement their diet with commercially-bred crickets, since wild-caught bugs could contain pesticides or diseases; always gut-load feeder insects before feeding them to your gecko.